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We have been sunk in our body and immerse in it

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Eddig olvastam
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We have been sunk in our body and immerse in it

2020. január 09. - 09:53

I do not argue, in a healthy body there is a healthy soul, I myself admit it. Nor do I complain about the healthy body if it is aesthetic and well-groomed.

@ Balazs Mihallfy

But spending millions on artificial eyelashes, nails, hair, solarium, plastic surgery, silicone implantation, etc., is out of proportion to what we spend on building our inner world. Because most often we don't spend anything for it. The body took over the decision-making position above our inner world. The question that how do I look precedes the who I am? The tightness of my skin, the size of my breasts and the look of my hairstyle precede whether I can speak to the subject or have I read about it? From the point of view of interests, this is logical. For everything related to the body is a business and a commodity for sale. And what serves the construction of my inner world, it is an expense that never pays off. In fact, if my inner world reaches consciousness which can analyze, it can even jeopardize the actual power.

So, we sit here and our inner world is immersed in our bodies. Anyone who dares to put his head out of his body and sees or make others to see something else, becomes strange and not-ordinary, can become subject of insults, or is called dangerous. We live in an opinion-dictatorship where nobody says that only one opinion is possible because every legal condition exists to express an opinion. However, there is no channel, platform through which the opinion can be published and if there is, it can be manipulated, so finally it sounds like the preaching of a missionary song performed by two Koreans in an underpass. People pass by with their heads bowed, because the many zombies get already afraid to hear anything what can cause to lose their job. Ah, no! There is no dictatorship! This is something different. Here's an empty flock, cries and looking at you questioningly, but the flock leader responds nothing. You cannot get until him. I'm talking about an empty flock what have immersed in their body by their vegetative desires. Consumers, taxpayers, because they are called like that today. But they are not citizens, because we have omitted this grade.

Approximately 80% of the energy what enters humans is used by the body and 20% by the brain Although the body is 50 times of the weight of the brain, the latter is the largest consumer of energy. Therefore, the brain capacity and thinking of masses kept in poverty is constrained. It is no wonder that many of our fellow human beings kept in poverty and starvation can be fed with all kinds of bullshits instead of food, so lies and radical ideas find a solid medium in these masses. They are used by everyone. Daily politics, campaigns based on the hazard of migration, but extremist Muslim teachings are also spreading the best here. No analysis, no logic search, just a sudden hate transmission and let's go! In this situation, I try to do something that goes against most trends.

I have been writing for years and posting articles on this community site. I am not claiming that I write the best articles in the world, or that I am proclaiming absolute truth. In fact, I am often wrong! But I can declare that I have published thoughts in a different context what is not used commonly. I have noticed that when the number of my readers reaches tens of thousands, it suddenly drops to 4- 500 within 1-2 days. I start building one more time and if I reach ten thousand again in half a year, everything will be repeated. Of course, if I transfer money, the result would be different, but I don't do it and can't afford it. Sometimes a group of readers doesn't have access to my site for months and cannot read my articles. They ask me where did I go? However, I am here and I post something every day. I'm not alone, many others are there like me. Obviously, there is an algorithm what decides where is the point of breaking the fuse, and if there is of no particular interest linked to me, it cuts back my wings. But if I were a show-sheikh who preaches trendy Islam, or who cuts off heads that could scare peoples and pollute the name of Islam, the index would immediately increase. Therefore, my special thanks go to those readers who insistently read me, and diligently share the articles. Currently, I reach one thousand people with their help. I do not want to produce statistical results; I just want to convey a thought that gives a different approach than the mainstream.

If anyone had been offended by my articles and statements throughout the year, I apologize. I have no intention of insulting anyone. I have just the intention to publish my thoughts for the public.

If all I can achieve not to sink into the jail of our body and hang our head out a little bit to look at the world with another eye, then it was not useless. Thank you to everyone who persists and reads. I wish all my readers a Happy New Year.