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Experience the same what Columbus did

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Experience the same what Columbus did

2020. április 13. - 14:12

In fact, among the people whom we call "primitive," I came to realize the essence of faith, which I never understood from books.

These people have more than one from everything, so they don't feel trauma if they lose one thing. Even they have more than one life. If their physical existence does not develop well, it doesn't mean problem at all, they move to a spiritual something to survive the calamities as if they were swimming to an island and waiting for the situation to turn right. If they die, it's okay, because they continue everything in another existence. In some countries of Africa there are totem names instead of family names, which can be the names of animals or phenomena. Ngulube (warthog), ndlovu (elephant), unyoga (snake) are all names of animals, but also of families and tribes. Each totem symbolizes something like strength, fertility, sharp vision, etc. Generally, these animals are not huntable for the particular tribe, so are taboos. The continuity of life is also ensured by the totems, so that the person comes from his own totem and after the physical death of his body his soul returns to the same totem. Therefore, when I shot a snake, the women screamed in disapproval because they believed that their ancestor had come to visit them in the form of a snake, whom I had killed.

When a woman gives birth to a baby, she does not put the baby in a basket, but carries him on her back. But not only she, but all her sisters do the same. So, an infant gets used to the "back" of about 4-5 women, and he will feel all of them as a mother. Once he starts to speak, he should call all of them as mother and the mother-child relationship will develop between 4-5 mothers and one child. If the blood mother dies for some reason, it will not be so painful for the child, because there are 3 more mothers! This is where I realized the importance of the worlds. How important it is that people live in more than one world!

The "advanced, civilized" Europe and white cultures are the places where citizens are deprived of their worlds and left for them only one thing what is rationally explained on scientific level of the age. Well, this is a world what in many cases is alien for the individual. The actual thinkingdictatorships outwardly express free opinion, but in reality, they accept only one kind of thought. Because, you may have free thinking in general, but if you have other opinion than your employer, you can lose your job. Then we can step further and get to the level of politics. If that is the reality, then the great freedom what is proclaimed is the spiritual terror itself, leading to depression or complete burnout. Thinking is simplified because it is fixed on a path what is "scientific" and rational while the many colorful worlds in which our ancestors found their happiness slowly disappear. Even the "cursed regime of past" was better than situation is today. People of that time had to move on obligatory paths, but they learned to understand and live between the lines of the texts. They communicated as if they had a "world" between the lines. Today many people do not understand anything even if they are kicked in the ass.

Faith is a huge world. Beside the existing obligatory paths, I will not make an offer for opening towards the faith because I have no authority for that. Faith has real value only if this path is discovered by the individual himself. Then he will experience the joy of Columbus and enters the New World. This World is called in Islam A’alam al-Ghaib, Unseen or Hidden World.

Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me." Say: "can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not? (Quran 6:50)

Literally it might mean that the men of God are not like vulgar soothsayers, who pretend to reveal hidden treasures, or peer into future, or claim to be something of a different nature from men. But the meaning is wider: - They deal out Allah's great treasures of truth, but the treasures are not theirs, but Allah's. They never take this Truth from Allah and never say that this Truth belongs to them - they have greater insight into the higher things, but that insight is not due to their own wisdom, but to Allah's inspiration,; - they are of the same flesh and blood with us, and the sublimity of their words and teaching arises through Allah's grace to them and to those who hear them.

And the method is also there. It is the reliance and connection (tawakkul) to the inspiration. I could compare this to the secretary of a travel agent who, of course, does not know all the flight data from her own head. When you tell her where do you want to go, she asks you back that when and how many persons is going to travel? Then she connects to a central data bank via her computer and relies on what the data bank says. Connecting and relying on the spiritual world is similar. It is a tremendous loss for humanity to deprive itself of this security what is ensured by the reliance and connection to the A'alam al-Ghaib.
