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What kind of world we see and what kind of eye can see?

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What kind of world we see and what kind of eye can see?

2020. augusztus 20. - 19:14

In the physical world exist all the Sings what make the comprehension of spiritual world possible. In order to notice them we need spiritual sight. All of us has this ability but it dies if we ignore and neglect it. However, if we develop it, a new world will open where our soul may find harmony and tranquility.

Here you are one example from the many where Quran opens our eyes for this special sight.

It is Allah Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills behold, they do rejoice!- (Quran 30:48)

The Parable of the Winds is presented from both, physical and spiritual. In the physical world, see their play with the Clouds: how they suck up the moisture from terrestrial water, carry it about in dark clouds as needed, and break it up with rain as needed. So, Allah's wonderful Grace draws up men's spiritual aspirations from the most unlikely places and suspends them as dark mysteries, according to His holy Will and Plan: and when His Message reaches the hearts of men even in the smallest fragments, how its recipients rejoice, even though before it, they were in utter despair!

Even though, before they received (the rain) - just before this - they were dumb with despair! (Quran 30:49)

Then contemplate (O man!) the memorials of Allah's Mercy!- how He gives life to the earth after its death: verily the same will give life to the men who are dead: for He has power over all things. (Quran 30:50)

After the two Parables about the purifying action of the Winds and their fertilizing action, we now have the Parable of the earth that dies in winter or drought and lives again in spring or rain, by Allah's Grace: so in the spiritual sphere, man may be dead and may live again by the Breath of Allah and His Mercy if she will only place himself in Allah's hands.

And if We (but) send a Wind from which they see (their tilth) turn yellow,- behold, they become, thereafter, Ungrateful (Unbelievers)! (Quran 30:51)

So verily thou canst not make the dead to hear, nor canst thou make the deaf to hear the call, when they show their backs and turn away. (Quran 30:52)

The marvels of Allah's creation can be realized in a general way by every one who has a disposition to allow such knowledge to penetrate his mind. But if men, out of perversity, kill the very faculties which Allah has given them, how can they then understand? Besides the men who deaden their spiritual sense, there are men who may be likened to the deaf, who lack one faculty but to whom an appeal can be made through other faculties. Such as the sense of sight; but if they turn their backs and refuse to be instructed at all. How can the Truth reach them?

Nor canst thou lead back the blind from their straying: only those wilt thou make to hear, who believe in Our signs and submit (their wills in Islam). (Quran 30:53)

The only persons who gain by spiritual teaching are those who bring a mind to it, who believe and submit their wills to Allah's Will. This is the central doctrine of Islam.

Perhaps I succeeded to visualize that a submission doesn’t mean slavery. In fact, it means ascension. This submission elevates us in a world where finally we feel ourselves at home.
