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Tensions are produced, discharged, equilibrium is established

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Tensions are produced, discharged, equilibrium is established

2020. április 10. - 16:34

The answers don't have to be figured out; those are there in the creation in front of you.

Look at the water of the sea, which once calm, quiet and another time has huge waves and dumps the dirt to the shore. It is also trying to get rid of the dirt that man drained into it.
Look at the lightning in which you hear the noise of the electric storm, where the electric parts are equalizing, and the voltages that have been accumulated under normal atmospheric conditions are discharged.
Look at the air movements that pick up the moisture and transport it to the land, where the rain soaks the soil and the seeds can germinate. Everything is moving, changing, nothing stops, nothing is static. One state generates the other, tension and dirt are accumulated during operations and movements, but everything goes through a self-purification, equalization of states, adjustment of equilibrium and overall, the world moves, changes and lives.
We only forget about ourselves in this world. We fix ourselves to a particular situation, then blame God or destiny if we notice a change and the order that we imagine is overthrown. However, if it is overthrown, the order wasn't good! Because the order is also in permanent changing. The order also needs to get rid of dirt that has been collected during operation, the transactional elements must be equalized, and the accumulated tension must be discharged.
And don't get me wrong! Regarding dirt I do not mean humans, so I don't mean we need to get rid of people. Just as in the nature a process is replaced by another process, so, regarding the existence of humans, cyclicality and continuous settling of new balances must be understood as natural. So, a sort of human thinking has to be considered as contamination. The contamination here is not a dirty state, but rather a reprobate thought and attitude that is stuck to us and we never get rid of it by ourselves. Yes, we need the shocks in order to become conscious and be pushed back to the life that is close to the rule of creation.
Or don't you remember how many vows men did? No! Never more World War, or another cataclysm! The result was the UN. Then sometime later a war came, then two, and finally we don't know where to turn due to the many conflicts. With this process, the principle of "wars are the engine of the economy" was created, that fed the industry, the banks and finally our attitudes and approaches have been distorted.
Or don't you remember that we were only 2-3 billion more recently? Our agriculture has developed, health care and welfare has kept people alive and we have increased to 7.5 billion. At this level, there is no way to screw around in small gardens for production of organic food, which is sure to be very healthy, but does not supply anyone except Grandpa and Grandma. Industrial methods are required to supply this crowd. Industrial method means, that in a short period of time, a large mass of product has to be manufactured, no matter what the composition is, just to ease the hunger and be cheap so the poor can buy it. Halal? Haram? Come on! Poison production and poison consumption has started, which added further task to health care, which was touched by the wind of change of attitude and as a result the humanitarian curing was replaced by the business-profit based one. Medications have come to the "market" that solved the patient's symptoms, but triggered 2-3 other diseases. So, cure follows cure, one after the other and eventually the pharmaceutical industry became one of the priority sectors and privileged by politics. And our doctors received commissions from the pharmaceutical companies it they prescribe their products.
Mass production created the power of the multinationals, absorbing the labor force who produced mass products on the production lines. The production lines were automated, working with more and more robotics, so there was less need for old "technicians" who looked at something and knew immediately what was wrong, were able to review processes, maintained and operated even unknown technologies. This approach has become indictable, because it is forbidden to see the technology, how it works. From there, all they need is zombies who can move in designated corridors wearing a given-colored work suit and put together wires to wires and cables to cables. Green with green, blue with blue. That's all one needs to know, nothing more!
And education must adapt to this level. God save us to launch people with general insight, comprehension and understanding! After all, they'd find out how the scam works! Mass zombie training is needed where individuals do not understand what is happening to them, follow the instructions of the boss in order to get the daily provision, and die as early as possible due to the consumption of the products coming from the poison factories and due to the "modern" attitude of health care. Obviously, they need to consume plenty of medication to realize the plan. All of this needs to be complemented by culture adapted to this level, reality shows, low level programs, with the direct consequence of a minimum level of text understanding and impairment of the brain's ability to synthesize. Avatars are coming up on the street, haven't you noticed? There is a public communication to support the above process, and I could go even further towards politics and churches, but I won't.

Here we are. How the hell wouldn't be there tension and dirt in this system? And then I hear that there is no God, or if He exists, He is very bad! How can He allow that? We don't need such an evil God, and etc.! Whether God is there or not, decide for yourself, I'm not going to intervene. But I'm going to intervene in your decision regarding who's bad!

He it is Who enableth you to traverse through land and sea; so that ye even board ships;- they sail with them with a favourable wind, and they rejoice thereat; then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think they are being overwhelmed: they cry unto Allah, sincerely offering (their) duty unto Him saying, "If thou dost deliver us from this, we shall truly show our gratitude!" (Quran 10:22)

All the great inventions and discoveries on which man prides himself are the fruit of that genius and talent which Allah has freely given of His grace. But the spirit of man remains petty, as is illustrated by the parable from the sea. How the heart of man rejoices when the ship goes smoothly with favourable winds! How in adversity it turns, in terror and helplessness, to Allah, and makes vows for deliverance! And how those vows are disregarded as soon as the danger is past!

But when he delivereth them, behold! they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! your insolence is against your own souls,- an enjoyment of the life of the present: in the end, to Us is your return, and We shall show you the truth of all that ye did. (Quran 10:23)
