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Inferiority complex

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Eddig olvastam
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Inferiority complex

2020. október 19. - 18:41

You have a sense of inferiority complex when you are inferior. It's that simple. And you will be inferior if the standard of your company is low.

Those who are short (I don't mean their stature) they do not like if their inferiority to be exposed, so they seek or create a lower one than themselves. Here you get into the picture. The other solution if you shit your trousers from the highness of another person and you voluntarily assign yourself under him/her. You think you can never be like the one up there on the heights. He/she is much better than you, more perfect while you are burdened with mistakes. You are looking for reasons within yourself that may not even exist. The inferiority complex is accompanied often with touchiness. You are hiding your imaginary disadvantages; therefore, you are compensating them by immediate sensitive reactions. You think you can become great with your constant resentment. Believe me, people are shitting on you.

I started by saying that your company is of a low standard. Replace it. A mouse should not want to push its fortune in the company of cats. It is possible that an elephant will be its best friend and if it gives a support, the importance of cats will disappear. That requires the mouse to take the courage and turn to the elephant.
Allah (SWT) is more than an elephant to us. He is not just a power radiating strength that shows an authority, but our best Knower, for He created us. He knows what our healing, our consolation is, what leads us to prosperity.
t is a matter of decision to get rid of your stifling feelings that are there in you. You have to make a decision to be proud of what you are! Or be ashamed, keep it a secret, and eventually you leave behind who you have been so far and become alienated from yourself. If you are mocked because of your hijab or one spits on you because of your beard and you can’t stand the constant bullying due to your prayers, fasting, then leave it all. In this case, your environment has won over you. However, if you proudly bear your destiny, you don’t blow up the comments you get, you let fly away the malicious sentences next to your ear, all of a sudden you notice that the elephant stands behind you and the gaze of people is becoming more respectful. As you take the first step towards Allah (SWT), He will come and help you do the second, third and the rest. Suddenly your friends do not want to make you drunken during Ramadan, and you will be asked questions about it instead. Perhaps, some will try it, out of a joke and finally they realize it’s not stupid thing. They keep asking and everything you wear, you show out of yourself, your conduct, attitude become a kind of pattern. To do this, however, you must stop feeling ashamed, offended. The sensitiveness, touchiness is for what, when you have all the potential of the Universe behind you? You can watch everything from above!

If someone is in trouble in the unbelieving world, they turn to addictions. Addiction is everything what you get used to or others make you to become addicted to. I consider also human knowledge and sciences as addictions, to which people are accustomed not because those serve them in all cases, but because those are businesses. So, because of the changed approach behind them those have become addictions. Thus, the consumption of part of human knowledge available to us is a sort of addiction. I do not want anyone to deduce from this statement that I devalue the sciences! I don't underestimate them! I devalue only the approach behind them. Maybe science has reached much further and differently than we know, but since can’t be made a business out of it or is a secret, it cannot serve you. You can reach what is accessible at the zombie level and all zombies can pay for it. Another form of addiction are the things that people seek refuge in. Drugs, tablets, alcohol, superficial lifestyles, quick profit and pleasure-seeking. Well, this is the world that glowers at who you are and what you do. Would they be the ones who make you feel inferiority complex? After all, they only represent 1% of problem solving potential while you have the 100% with you! (Of course, for that to happen, you need to know the recipes of Allah). You are in a position to help them because they are the fallen, not you! The joy what you see on their faces is mere appearance! As long as the soul of man is in turmoil and cannot find rest in something, everything is an addiction in which people live. They thinks it's the blissfulness, but it's not! You have the key! Yet you are now looking at them with a sense of inferiority complex while even their key is lurking in your pocket!

If any do seek for glory and power, - to Allah belong all glory and power. To Him mount up (all) Words of Purity: It is He Who exalts each Deed of Righteousness. Those that lay Plots of Evil, - for them is a Penalty terrible; and the plotting of such will be void (of result). (Quran 35:10)
