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Can I handle my soul myself?

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Eddig olvastam
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Can I handle my soul myself?

2020. augusztus 28. - 19:28

Many deny the reality of the soul. Yet, when something wrong happens, the pathological changes in the body are traced back to the illness of the soul. Then it has to be realized that without healing the soul, the body is unable to come out of its crisis.

For not to be mistaken by entering the realm of faith and in order to remain the follower of "science” which is the achievement of human mind, the disease of the soul is associated with the contexts of the material world around us, and seeking of heal is going on there. However, the motive of illness may be that the soul is forced into the material world! As it got sick in this world! It might be that directing it into the spiritual world would break the barriers and results the heal of soul, then the body! Yes, but it's not scientific!
I agree, this is not scientific, if we interpret science as if the world consists of only causal relationships that can be grasped and explained by the human mind and this kind of interpretation and application is called science. But, is this really what the world is all about?
We have already explained earlier that every cell in the body is a memory. There is a program that results our today's form which is based on our ontogenesis. This program contains not only material elements! Notice! Our brains are also memory. It is a database that can only make decisions, comprehend phenomenon based on the data we store. Those who don't load their brains have little info, they have an easy job. They are the spiritual poor whom the Bible writes about. They are massively present with us and they spread. They have a simple thing to do: they put together the red with red, the blue with blue and the decision is made. They are not mentally ill, not depressed and have a definite answer to everything. They don't even understand how others can see the world differently! Those who have more in their minds have a terrible life if they live in such an environment. Now it's their turn. Let's talk about those who are thinking. This is very complicated issue from here.
Think of your brain as a wardrobe with shelves and hangers. When this structure comes together, all the clothes are in place. The wardrobe embodies the culture, religion, etc. Where this skeleton is stable, thoughts get their specific explanations. Where there are no shelves, hangers in the wardrobe, the clothes are all in one heap. Clutter and untransparent situation reigns in the wardrobe. Every new dress only adds to the clutter. This is also the case with the thought. If we don't have the system where we can insert our thoughts, we're confused. And we cannot accommodate the new ideas. The world is pouring mass of new info on us! If we do not have a definite lead, a guideline, we shall put the shoes on the hanger and the evening dress we toss crumpled in the drawer. Thoughts will face against reality! At this point, a scientist, psychologist, priest or sheik can help so far. Because, they are nothing more than guides who, if they do their job well, will not put their own shoes in your wardrobe, but put yours in the right place.
Yes, but there is not only one wardrobe, but many! Many cultures, attitudes and fashions coexist.
And the wardrobes have loads of clothes! Going out into the street, it is not uncommon for us to face them. It used to be in the past the same dress looked unusual, but not today! Clothes move from one wardrobe to another while we are in a hurry, we want to keep accuracy, order and it does not always succeed. So far, I've only talked about clothes that can be touched by hand. But there are abstract, imagined costumes, dreams, and things that may not be worn as we humans do and are still considered as dresses. These are the outfits of the soul, without which we may feel nudity more than without an objectified outfit.In this cavalcade, we have come to the nourishment and clothes of the soul, which if it does not exist, the order in the secular wardrobe will be upset.
Where are we in this vast space-time system? How can one survive, get out of depression and psychological crisis?

Only the person who has devotion and passion can suffer of depression and a spiritual crisis. The one who is passionate about something. Whoever does not have that, whatever life throws at him, passively bears it, without consequences. The remedy of passion is to break down and process the stimuli and information flowing from the world into us. This requires three things. First is, what to see in the world at all. So, just focus on what's worth. Do not try to solve the situation in the Middle East. Isn't enough your own and your family's problem? The second is the way how you see it. See everything with your own eyes and always perfect your vision. The third is that you should find the right place for your life in your wardrobe. To do this, you have to throw away a lot of old clothes, because without it, the new clothes will only be junk on top of the old ones. Get rid of the retracting experiences of the past. Select! Dare to filter out old info from your brain's database and to get rid of them. Dare to open towards the direction your soul is aiming for! Dare not to consider your wardrobe as a benchmark, but as a store of clothes which contains only the fashion of the age! Dare to break out of the world where you still follow the advice of tailors of the time and have to adjust your soul to their sizes! Dare to believe that you can exist even without clothing, because it covers only your body while your soul puts on something else! It takes the outfit from the infinite! From here you handle this issue, not a psychologist, a sheik, a priest or anybody else! You alone, and you can only rely on God in that, nobody else.

Ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If any Muslim is afflicted with distress and makes this supplication, then his supplication will be answered: O Allah, I am your servant, the son of your servant, the son of your maidservant. My forelock is in your hand, your command concerning me prevails, and your decision concerning me is just. I call upon you by every one of the beautiful names with which you have described yourself, or which you have revealed in your Book, or you have taught to any of your creatures, or which you have chosen to keep in the knowledge of the unseen with you, to make the Quran the delight of my soul, the light of my heart, and to remove my sadness and dispel my anxiety.” The Prophet said, “If he says this, Allah will remove his affliction and replace it with joy and happiness.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, should we not learn it?” The Prophet said, “Yes, whoever hears it should know it.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 3704
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir
